Good Morning! I’ve been getting great questions lately from my readers and I thought it would be fun to answer a few of them today while I’m drinking my morning latte…
Who designed your blog?
I designed my blog on my own over time. In the last few months I made many changes that created a different look, like adding buttons to make it easier to navigate to my social media and the style of my header. I use the simple template on blogger and made tweeks here and there by using tutorials I have found on the internet.
Are you a professional designer?
No, I’m not. I’m just a girl who has always loved beachy things and have that type of design inspiration constantly on my mind. I could easily see myself building Hampton style homes. ๐
How did HomeGoods find your blog?
That’s a good question… I’m not sure how they did, but I love collaborating with such a great company!
How long have you been blogging?
A little over two years.
You also post a lot about fashion. Is that something that drives your inspiration as well?
Yes! I’ve always loved beautiful, simple clothes that can be mixed and matched. Sometimes my taste is too expensive, so I love it when I find things that give me the same look I’m after, but for much less. My favorite go-to stores right now are J.Crew, Tory Burch, and Old Navy.
Thanks for reading everyone!
I will answer more questions later this week…
What a fun Q&A.
I think those are 3 of my favorite stores too! I could live in J.crew and be perfectly happy.
i love that you did your blog design on your own over time… i'm slowly reading tutorials and trying to update my blog layout too. yours looks great, so you're an inspiration!
Love your style Desiree and you are a girl of many talents (clearly) As you know I am already a big big fan:)
I really like how you've modified the look of your blog…gives me hope that I can do the same over time ๐
Great job!
Love your blog!
Best regards,
Cecilia at