I have curly hair and you would never know it, because I work diligently on a daily basis to get the curl out. Lately, these tools are helping me do just that. I’ve also been thinking about doing a keratin treatment, but I’ve heard mixed reviews. My friend Marty, suggested that I ask my readers what their thoughts…
Friends & Fans Event {Tory Burch}
Hello Friends! I’m sharing this great news with you today, so that you can take advantage of this great Friends & Fans Event that is happening now at ToryBurch.com. {Look what I bought today!} I’ve had my eye on this dress before it even hit the racks at Tory Burch and in a few days…
J.Crew {What to Wear This Fall}
This fun short video from NBC New York shares some insights on what’s fashionable for Fall 2011. Think…bright colors. Love it! View more videos at: http://nbcnewyork.com.
Autumn Chic {Williams Sonoma}
1. Ikat Printed Pillow 2. Wood Carved Gourd 3. Printed Capri Stripe Rug 4. Sheesham Wood Frame 5. Ikat Aubusson Pillow 6. Bungalow Lanterns 7. Wood Carved Pumpkin 8. Woven Willow Hexagon Jar 9. Cast Iron Pinecones 10. Printed Center Stripe Pillow
Please Vote for Me! {Best Mom Fashion Blog Award}
By Best Mom Fashion Blog Hi everyone! I was nominated for a Best Mom Fashion Blog Award at Parents.com. I hope that you can vote for my blog. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! xoxo, Desiree
Light and Natural Florida Beach House
This relaxed and refined beach house in Rosemary Beach, Florida was designed by architect Bobby McAlpine and interior designer Susan Ferrier. Here are a few details about the house: Style: Dutch Colonial-inspired home with elegant but casual interiors that stand up to family life Space: 4,800 square feet spread over three levels, with five bedrooms, six…