I love talking about fashion here on Beautifully Seaside, but you may agree with me when I say, there’s more to life than the best sales and home design. So today, I want to talk about three healthy habits I try to live by every single day. Each of these things make my day much brighter, which is why they’re at the top of my list of daily things to do. I would love to know if any of them are yours as well.
3 Healthy Habits That Make My Day More Joyful
Drink at Least a Gallon of Water a Day
As simple as it seems, sometimes I don’t make it a priority to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Now that I’m living the Faster way to Fat Loss lifestyle, I know how imporatant it is to drink at least 100 ounces of water a day. Staying hydrated makes all the difference in the world in how I feel. Every time I make drinking water a priority I feel more nourished and awake. Staying hydrated is key to having a more joyful day for me.
Sweat at Least an Hour a Day
I love getting outside for at least an hour a day, six days a week. My exercise routine usually includes going for a long walk or a quick run. Truth be told, I’m walking more these days than running, however either way I’m exercising and sweating, which relieves tension and gives me the opportunity to breath in fresh air. When I sweat for at least an hour a day, I feel refreshed knowing I accomplished something very important to my health and well-being.
When I start my day out in prayer I feel the Lord’s powerful presence in my life. Praying to Jesus has been a beautiful blessing and when I pray I see changes and blessings flowing down from heaven. I pray for little things like finding a parking space at the mall and all the big things. God has been my rock and in Him I find true peace and joy. I’m also surrounded by family, mentors, and friends who are prayer warriors, which makes a huge difference in my life. By reading my daily scriptures I learn new ways to draw closer to Him and be filled with more joy!
Outfit Details: J.Crew White Dress (On sale. I’m wearing a size 0) / Madewell Boardwalk Sandals (On sale. Fits true to size.) Shop also here and here) / Mark & Graham Handpainted Straw Bag c/o / Essie Fiji Nail Polish / Strapless Bra
Want to see more summer inspiration? Read my recent posts here!
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Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2
Your day sound very similar to mine! I listen to praise and worship music while I walk and I pray throughout! I’m blessed to live on the beach and there’s no better place to watch the sunrise as I start my day. Now…if only I get get in a gallon a day! What’s your secret?
I love your style – fashion, home, health, and soul!!!
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Do you have any devotionals you enjoy reading?